Monday, February 27, 2012

Pssst. Got a few minutes?

...and the moment we've all been waiting for...

What is the BETA (hCG) result you ask? 

This just in TODAY at 13dp5dt...
(13 days past a 5 day transfer)

If you have a few more minutes to spare...
here is the live video of my first POSITIVE digital pregnancy test taken at 8dp5dt.

I am thrilled to be on this amazing journey with you both. Much love and lots of hugs being sent your way.
WE DID IT!!!xoxo

Monday, February 20, 2012


Six days past a five day transfer...

Hi. My name is Andrea, and I'm addicted to peeing on a stick.

Seven more days till BETA!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

WE did it!!

We had the embryo transfer this past Tuesday...Valentine's Day. It was a perfect day.

I was able to spend a few days with the A & M while they were in town, and we had a great time together. I will miss M giving me shots--they were pretty much pain free!

How am I feeling?
I feel good. Resting a lot. I've been cramping since the afternoon of the transfer. I heard this is common with IVF so i'm trying not to think too much in to it. Easier said than done though. I worry about EVERY little thing that I feel.  Last night I had an overwhelming feeling of tightness in my lower abdomen. I kept moving around to get comfortable, but nothing was working so I just went to bed. The medication that I'm taking causes pregnancy like symptoms as well, so its hard to judge what's going on down there.

And now the dreaded two week wait. I will have blood drawn (BETA) on Monday, 2/27. This will tell us if the transfer was successful. Of course, I will be peeing on a stick before then...but I will keep those results to myself. ;)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Round TWO in 5..4..3..2.....

Just days away from the transfer now!! My guys flew in last night and will be staying until the transfer. The egg retrieval and sperm deposit is happening.....probably as I type this!! The egg donor has produced great follicles, so that's super duper exciting.

I had my final monitoring appointment this morning and everything looks amazing--GO ME!! My uterine lining is 16.27mm and I've got that precious triple stripe that us surrogates all strive for (when the two uterine walls are so thick that they touch in the middle, creating an image on the ultrasound that looks like three stripes. See photo below.). Some say my oven is over heating with my uterine lining measurement, LOL.....I just say that I'm an over achiever. ;) Everything will be fine with that cushy lining and baby will be nice and snuggled in for a good 9 months.

I got this off the internet, but you can see the triple stripes in the very middle

I'm no longer cautiously excited.....I'm full blown ecstatic about our upcoming transfer!!!!! It's really, really going to happen this time!!! I shared a few good/happy/proud tears with myself this morning while driving home from the clinic. I've come so far with my journey, and now my IPs and my path is merging together perfectly to make this wonderful miracle happen. Such a beautiful thing!!

This time next week i'll probably be peeing on a stick and looking for that POSITIVE!!!

I'll leave you with a bit of cuteness......
I caught my daughter giving herself a "shot" with a left over sucker stick. She started with the belly shot and worked her way to the butt shot. "Look Mom, it doesn't hurt!"
That's what I tell her when she watches me do my shots.
Future surrogate, maybe?? We shall see....