Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Testing 1, 2, anyone out there?

Shame on me for not updating over the past four months. Life has been so busy and time has slipped away from me. I feel terrible that I haven't updated in so long. I've really missed blogging.

Can you believe little Peanut is almost 10 months old!?! I can't. In fact, it blows my mind.

Peanut is handsome as ever! I really enjoy seeing frequent pictures of him growing and thriving with his daddies and fur-brothers. I'm looking forward to his first birthday celebration and hope to make a trip up North to visit with my surro-fam very soon. Peanut is on the verge of walking, probably any day now. It brings so much joy into my life seeing how happy and beautiful he is. I dream of the day he calls me up on the phone just to say hello. Or maybe he'll send me a sweet hand-written note and a drawing of his adorable dogs. So much to look forward too!!

Chillin' in his new chair that his Susu bought for him. 

Surrogacy has brought so much joy and love into my life--more than I could have ever imagined. I knew being a surrogate was something that I was meant to do, but I had no idea how much it would change my life. I am a different person today because of surrogacy. I am a better person today because of surrogacy. I am proud of who I am and what I've done. I am blessed for the family that I have gained and the little miracle that I grew inside of my womb for 42 weeks. I am fortunate for all of the friends and surro-sisters that I have gained over the last three years, too. Surrogacy has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life.

And ya know what? I'm gonna do it all over again!!! Stay tuned....surrogacy #2 is in the making!! More details to come. *wink!*