Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ready. Set. Match Meeting!!!!

Not only did I receive an email today saying that my husband and I are medically cleared for take off (Yessssss!!), but I also received another email saying that the couple who's profile I received a few weeks back (and loved!) would like to meet my husband and I. Our match meeting is set for Tuesday, July 26th. Gah!!! I can't wait.


Jeni said...

This is awesome!!! July 26th is right around the corner!! It's finally your turn Andrea!! Congrats!

Babydreams2011 said...

YAAAAAAAAY!!!! OMG, I am so excited for you!!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes, I know they are gonna love you!!!

Jesse said...

YAAAAAAY!!! So excited for you!!! I bet we're going to be on similar cycles--yay! A cycle buddy!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!!

Heidi said...

Ya-hoo!!! I'm so super excited for you! They are some very lucky IP's...

Carrie said...

YAY!!! So happy for you :) Can't wait to hear how the meeting goes.

Anonymous said...

that's great andrea!!! hope your meeting goes well and we hear some good baby news soon!!!

GHALE said...

WONDERFUL!!! It's going, good luck!!!

GHALE said...

WONDERFUL!!! It's going, good luck, I'm sure they will love you :)

Ashley said...

Yay!!!!! That is very good and exciting news! I'm so happy for you. You've waited too long for this.

Surrogate, Single Parent and Dating... said...

this makes my heart happy!!!! You have been so supportive for everyone else and it's finally your turn...I hope the meeting goes well and that you like them, because I'm sure they will totally love you!!!!

Ashley said...

Congrats! Can't wait to hear how the match meeting goes.

Michelle said...

Yeah.... Maybe they will want to wait until November and we will be in the same group. Who knows, I'm excited for you.

Krystal said...

YAY!!!!!!! Hurry up and get here July 26th!!

Jennifer said...

Woohoo!!! I'm so glad you are finally getting to move forward and can't wait to hear how amazing the match meeting went. They're gonna love you <3

Rebekah said...

That is SUCH fantastic news!!!!

Ashley said...

Today is the day!!! So excited to hear how it goes. Good luck... they will LOVE you!!