Thursday, August 4, 2011

Looking for other surrogacy blogs to follow?

In the far right column of my blog page you will see "Surrogacy Blogs That I Follow". I have recently updated this list to include my most favorite blogs that I follow (Sorry if i've accidentally missed anyone!). There are a lot of them. In my list you will find both Surrogates and Intended Parents blogs. Some are just starting their journey, others are getting ready for the arrival of their precious baby(ies), and some have successfully completed their journey. I really enjoy reading and following these blogs and I hope that you will too.  


Krystal said...

Awww, we ♥ u too! ☺

Kelli said...

Thanks, Andrea! <3

Egg Donors said...

Thank You, nice in describing about surrogacy

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,

I've been blogging about our surrogacy experience as the intended parent and our pregnancy test is this Thursday. In addition, I've had to have a double mastectomy last September (due to BRCA1 cancer gene), a horrid history of fibroids (59 fibroids removed during my 2nd surgery), and I will also need to remove my uterus and ovaries soon. All of these surgeries are related. I just turned 34 last month. Please check out my blog if you have the chance; I'd love to share my experience with other women.

Surrogacy in India said...

Its nice to read your astonishing experience.Thanks Andrea

Surrogacy in India said...

You described very well about surrogacy. I got some important tips about surrogacy..

Ivf Centre in Uttar Pradesh said...

Thanks for sharing this one.

Chris and Candace said...

Great list! And I love your blog. Ours is a surrogacy blog as well ( It is from both a female and male perspective if you have a chance check it out. I will be adding yours to a blogroll portion of a family building site I write for.

Andrea said...

Thank you, Chris and Candace! I'll definitely check out your blog as well. :)