Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Shit just got REAL real!!

You've waited long enough. So, here it is!!!

A faint positive line was seen on the evening of day 4 and you can see the progression from there!! 

Our surprise reveal to Robbie and Allen. They live in the condos to the right of this picture.
Their front door faces the parking lot that we're standing in.
We pulled up early Sunday morning on November 24th and called Robbie to tell them to come outside.
This is what they saw!! We had a video camera set up to catch their reaction, but my husband recorded the WRONG FRONT DOOR!! So, all you hear is their reaction while you're looking at someone else's front door. 

A little gift for R & A. What could it be?

A closer peak....

It's positive pee sticks!!!!

I had to explain how to read the pregnancy test. 

"Filled with PRIDE" indeed!
My beta results came back as 471 at 10dp5dt and 7825 at 17dp5dt. I'd say we're positively, absolutely, without a doubt pregnant!!! And there is a definite possibility of it being TWINS!!

Ultrasound next Wednesday. The suspense continues!!


Babydreams2011 said...

YAY!!! I was wondering what the betas were!!! CONGRATS TO ALL!!! And yeah, there's DEFINITELY a possibility it's twins girl!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Andrea and to your IPs!!!


cheldi said...

Congratulations to all!

Melissa said...


Krystal said...

EEEEEKKKKK!!!!! What a creative way of letting them know, I love it! So happy for y'all...can't wait for the 1st when is it!? :)

lynn said...

Wonderful news!!! So exciting...Congratulations to you and the new Daddies to be.

That was funny about the little gifts (pee sticks) and the video..(it was a cute idea though) :O)...The signs were cute. Creative idea.

Anonymous said...


Michael said...

Yay. Hooray. Woo-hoo. Congrats to everyone.

braejuma said...

Yay!!!!! Awesomesauce! I cant believe you have already started another journey! Im starting my second one now too!!! Congratulation!!!!

Ashley said...

Well, that was the cutest thing EVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

What did you find out? Single or twins?

Anonymous said...

Hoping the ultrasound went amazingly! So anxious to hear!