Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The BIG Announcement

We recently sent an email to family and close friends announcing our surrogacy journey. We felt it would be easiest to send out an email and tell everybody all at once versus making a ton of phone calls.
Here is the email:
Dear Family and Friends, 

We wanted to be the first to tell you about an amazing journey that our family is about to embark on. 

For the past 12 years or so, and ever since I had the opportunity during my high school years to grow close with an amazing family that opened up their hearts and their home to foster children, I always told myself that I wanted to do something special like that when I grow up. At the time I felt that special thing would be to adopt a child once my future Husband and I were done having children of our own. To be able to provide for a not-so-fortunate, homeless, parentless child meant the world to me; and when the time was right, I was going to make it happen. 

After reconnecting with Eric in 2004 (for those of you who are unaware, we went to high school together. It wasn't until four years after graduating that we reconnected) I mentioned to him on several occasions about my passion on adopting a child down the road. Unfortunately, Eric and I do not see eye-to-eye on this topic. I'll be honest, I was a little heart-broken and felt that my dream of adopting was crushed. I didn't let it get to me at the time because we were so involved with the birth and upbringing of our first child, Aiden. 

A few years had passed after having Aiden, and I began to look in to other options to 'help out', so to speak. I came across Surrogacy online and I was intrigued. I thought, hmmm, I think I can do this, just not right at this moment. I was still trying to convince Eric that it was time for a second baby of our own. :) I brought the topic of Surrogacy up to Eric anyways just to see what kind of reaction I would get and surprisingly he was very interested to hear more details! I was excited and at the same time very nervous. I didn't quite feel ready to pursue Surrogacy any further until after having our second child.

Another two to three years have gone by since first discovering Surrogacy; we have had our second child, Addison; We don't plan to have any more least not anytime soon (wishful thinking on my part!); and we figured it was the right time to dip back into the whole Surrogacy thing to see if this is really something we want to pursue at this time in our lives. I did my research, connected with a great agency that matches Intended Parents with Surrogates, and I submitted my application. To my surprise, within 2 days I was accepted!!

For the past few months we have been working with the agency to determine if Eric and I are a perfect fit for Surrogacy. We have completed all the necessary requirements and passed the background check and psyche test. Next step: As of last Tuesday, September 7th, we have been approved to go forward  and my profile is now active online for Intended Parents to view (kind'a like a dating service website). Now, it's just a waiting game. We could get chosen this week, next month, or in a few months. I was told on two different occasions by my case manager that this will probably go quickly being that I am the only surrogate currently active with their agency that is comfortable with being matched with a gay couple. I couldn't believe it when I heard that--My jaw actually dropped in disbelief. So sad--But, I am happy and proud that I am that ONE person. :)

FYI - All Intended Parents go through the same screening and background checks as we did. And also, FYI - I will NOT be donating my eggs. I am only the 'oven' for the 'bun'. The child will have no genetic connection to Eric and I.

Eric and I have talked this over a billion times and we are 100+% sure that this is what we want to do. To be a part of something so big will be amazing. To be able to provide another person or couple with a child, I believe, is the ultimate gift. We know there will be tough times along the way, but with the support of our family and friends, we know this will be nothing we are not strong enough for.

As far as our own children, we plan on spending a lot of time talking and teaching them about what this journey is about and why we are taking it. We don't have any worries about them; we are a very close family and our children always come first.

Your thoughts and feelings are important to us--that is why you are receiving this email. Please be open with us about your thoughts and if you have any questions, please ask. We feel this journey not only involves us, but you as well because we will rely on you for your support.

To keep you all updated throughout this whole process, I have created a blog for you to visit for the latest and greatest on our journey through surrogacy.

We are so excited about what's to come and can't wait to share this experience with you all.


Annie & Eric.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great letter - and OMG, I'm horrified you were the only one, and totally rock on delighted that you ARE THAT ONE. I love that your desire to help a family have a baby is not in any way bounded by prejudice. (I found you via a facebook post, by the way. I haven't got anything to do with the surrogacy community.) :)