Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's all on me right now

I have my medical screening tomorrow afternoon with Eleazar and Angie's doctor. It's all on me now whether we can move forward or not. Everything lies on the results of this screening. Also, Dr. Paulson, who I will be seeing tomorrow, is a male. I've never had a male doctor examine me "down there" before. I've always worked with woman doctors. So, that is a bit scary too. I am a nervous wreck. I am nervous eating. There goes my diet!! I can't help but to worry about this exam and the results. It will take two weeks to get the results back. A whole two weeks that I sit here, thinking, waiting, and nervous eating!!!! Holy toledo--I pray for this part to be done and over with real soon so that we all can move forward. Positive vibes, please! I sure can use them right about now.

Side note: I heard from another surro friend that during the ultrasound that they'll perform tomorrow, they'll fill up my uterus with sterile water. Thus resulting in that water having to come back out and the feeling of "peeing" yourself. Icky!!!! I'm interested to see how this one pans out, haha!


Jennifer said...

You'll do great! Just relax and don't worry. I personaly only like male doctors, since they have no idea how it feels. They seem to take their time, and are very careful and gentle with everything. They do fill up the uterus, but I never had a problem with it coming back out. Use the bathroom when you're done and you'll be fine. The blood work is the worse part of the visit. Good luck!

this is just a test said...

I am sure you will do fine but good luck.

Heidi said...

The filling of the bladder is not too bad unless the doctor office building then proceeds to have a mandatory evacuation and fire drill...that adds some excitement to the whole thing. Good luck and I'm sending you some good mojo.

Babydreams2011 said...

You will do just awesome, no worries! Try to relax. I too have had male doctors and feel more comfortable.. My RE is a man! ;) Good luck and saying prayers for you!

Andrea said...

OMG Heidi, can you imagine!! That's would be one crazy story to look back on and just laugh!! =)

MrsKnight said...

I forgot about the water! :-) It's no biggy. Only a few tablespoons. It's not like you stand up and there's a big gush.

Two weeks to get the results?? I don't remember it being that long. I DO remember the doctor calling my IPs immediately after the exam (international phone call) to tell them that I would be a great surrogate. It seemed like the results of the lab tests were a formality. Of course, if they'd discovered I was HIV+ that would have been a different story!

Kristen said...

I'll be thinking good thoughts for you! I'm sure it'll go great! Practice for the "real" 2WW right?! just kidding! Can't wait to hear how it goes!! : )

Kelly Enders-Tharp said...

You're going to do great!!