Monday, June 20, 2011

Say hello to my little friend

Aunt Flo arrived tonight--thank God!!

Today marked 40 days since the first day of my last period. My previous cycle was 45 days. The normal menstrual cycle ranges form 25 to 35 days, with a 28-day average (according to So, you can imagine how frustrating it is to go 40+ days, have negative pregnancy tests, and still no period. I blame it all on the the damn Mirena that I had removed back in January, and my body trying to adjust. Let me just say......NEVER AGAIN will I get the MIRENA IUD. Never. It does horrible things to your body and mind.

On a more positive note-I have finally been able to schedule my medical/psych screening. Not knowing when my period was going to come (once again, thanks alot Mirena!!), I was able to talk the agency into making me an appointment with the hopes that by the time I have to go in, I will have had my period. The appointment is scheduled for next Friday, July 1st. I am going to try and see if I can get an earlier appointment now that AF has decided to show herself. Wish me luck!


Babydreams2011 said...

Good luck Andrea!!

Jesse said...

Yay! Glad she showed for you!! Mine never did...weird! We're going to be on similar cycles--so exciting! :)

Krystal said...

Well that's good news! :-) Maybe get the copper IUD next time, that's what I had and I didn't have any problems...well except that it made my hair shed, but I have so much dang hair u would never have noticed, lol.

Surrogate, Single Parent and Dating... said...

I agree, hate the Merina IUD...and won't be getting it in again either. On another note, you will be getting screened and I will be having a baby..July 1st!! :) So excited for you to begin as mine ends.

Heidi said...

Yay! probably one of the few times you'll be excited to have that visitor. I just hope she leaves in a timely manor. =) I'm so glad you can FINALLY move forward.

Kelli said...

I agree about the Mirena! When I had mine out in February, I felt so much better almost instantly. I had it for 2.5 years, and thought I had no effects from it, but it made me moody and irritable. I didn't have period problems post-removal or anything, but I won't be getting another one ever again. Good luck with your screening! :)

Anonymous said...

YAY! One step closer to your amazing journey! I am so excited for you!

Ashley said...

Good luck!! I'm so glad you finally are progressing through this long awaited journey!!! And thanks for the Mirena warning... guess I'll never be getting that!!

Michelle said...

One step closer!!! I'm really excited for you too..